We are listening to your unique experience and how you give meaning to what is happening. We are shapeshifting a field of fear into a flow of joy, ease and love.

These are special times. What is your current story? What is underneath the Coronavirus outbreak? What might really be happening? What is the essence of the Corona outbreak? Maybe it is the choice either to go for fear or to go for joy, ease and love; the choice to stay in survival mode or to go for new opportunities.
Fear brings more fear and limitations on all levels of our being. Joy, ease and love create health and the possibility of new beginnings.
What if we experience the Coronavirus outbreak as a flow where we can choose which forms with their related functions we create.
What will we cover in this article:
- Experiencing the Coronavirus outbreak as a flow
- The major players of the board game
- What gives you strength and power in these times
- The dance between our small self and our true self
Experiencing the Coronavirus outbreak as a flow
Flow, form and function is the movement in all of existence. If we are willing to consider the possibility that the Coronavirus outbreak is a flow of life force we open up to many possible choices with regard to the forms and functions that are able to unfold. We give our self the possibility to be responsive to what happens in our life and to live with ease and joy.
Yes there is the fear and yes there is the reality of people dying. It is important that we don’t underestimate the fear in the collective field, it is dense and sticky. It is invisible and contagious. Our small selves are very susceptible to fear. Each of us has his or her unique way in which our small self processes fear. Some of us experience panic attacks, some of us try to control, others stay calm and try to fix, analyse, rationalise. Some will become angry or blame. These are all survival modes related to, and triggered by, the field of fear.
There are a lot of ramifications caused by a collective field paralysed by fear or being governed by fear. Fear has no power in itself, but when so many people, organisations and systems invest in fear, it becomes overwhelming. We are allowing fear to have authority over us, creating a loop of fear.
The only solution is to move our attention from fear-based choices towards our true self, aligning us to what really matters to us.
What is the underlying message of the outbreak, what is it bringing us? If we consider this outbreak as a flow of life force, we are able to see it as part of the intelligent design of the earth and all life on it and as part of our evolution. This is the very big picture and how does that look in our everyday life? What possibilities open up for us?
How can we with the ChancesToChange board game be of service?
The ChancesToChange board game creates a field where you are a long-awaited guest. We invite you to visit and play with us. We will completely welcome you.
Let’s start by looking at the major players in the board game and how they speak to you.
The major players in the board game
Let’s have a look at all the major players:

Our body provides us, as a human being, with
processes and symptoms related to our experience of what is happening to us and
around us. This is absolutely true in this moment. Our hospitals and intensive
care units are overloaded with patients needing assistance in their journey
with the Coronavirus.
Stress has a negative effect on our immune system and fear is a huge stress factor. Joy on the other hand allows our body to access its inner healing capacity.
Our body is our most intimate partner in this adventure of being
human. Our body partners with our soul. How do you listen to your body?

Our soul converts all our experiences into consciousness and is the bridge between us as spiritual beings and us as human beings. This bridge is our inner channel. Our soul has a script of those experiences it wants to have in this lifetime. You might consider the Coronavirus outbreak part of your soul’s script!
Our experiences in life happen in the collective field, another major player.

The collective field is our playground and the memory of mankind. The imprints of fear in the field can cause us to endlessly repeat our old stories. At the same time we can experience the vastness and wholeness of the collective essence in the flow of the Coronavirus and allow this to support a unique new story for us as individuals and for the earth in general. How are you affected by this library of humanity?
The next player is our mind which arises through an interaction between the energy of the collective field, our body and our soul. In the board game there is no specific card for the mind and at the same time the mind is always present in the background as our mind processes all the information and energy that comes to us. Our mind is an amazing processor and if disconnected from our body and soul it can become quite a challenge to live our life to the fullest and cope with what is happening to us and around us. Especially in these times, we become a playball in the collective field, because our mind informs our personality.
Our personality (= small self) is made up of aspects and facets which are constantly changing through experiencing. The Coronavirus outbreak and more precisely the fear-based choices affect the roles, titles and identifications our personality has gathered throughout our lives. The yellow card in the picture below shows us how our personality thinks, feels and acts.

How do you weave a colourful tapestry with these three facets in your life? Are thinking, feeling and doing supporting each other?
The game adds another major player to our life: silence. Silence
is a place of rest and a moment of connection with our inner self. Each time we
listen in the game we bring our awareness to our centre. We listen from within
to source, our body and the collective field. The Coronavirus outbreak brings a
great deal of silence back into our lives.

We have described the six major players. This picture gives them all a
place – our body (1),
our soul and inner channel (2), our mind (3), the collective field (4), our
personality (5) and silence (6) – and shows the interaction and ongoing exchange between all of them.
We return to the silence and we invite you to connect to your own inner being and gently ask yourself: “What gives me strength and power in these times?”
What gives you strength and power in these times?
When we connect to our inner being, we automatically land in our inner
channel. This channel grounds our soul into the earth and keeps our soul
connected to the spiritual world to carry forth its purpose. This inner
channel is also our intention. What is intention?

Intention is how we embrace the fullness of the offerings, tasks and
challenges of our life as a human being. This also includes the challenges and
offerings of the Coronavirus outbreak. Practically this unfolds through the
fact that each facet of our personality has its own unique intention and there
is a weaving between all these different intentions. Intention is how we bring
the deepest truth of who and what we are and who and what we become into the
Intention is an immeasurable and indescribable force that connects everything in the universe. The earth and all life on earth, every spiritual being and all our creations have an intention. How can you find your intention?

Each intention gives birth to a toroidal field (donut shaped) which holds our highest possible potential. As the picture shows, this toroidal field encompasses all the main players of this game: body, soul, collective field, mind, personality and silence. You can see visually how all that is related to your so-called human self – your body, mind, the collective field, your personality (=small self) – are held in this toroidal field. Your soul is the bridge between your human self and a much bigger part of the totality of your self.
The true self and the small self

The card of self refers to my true spiritual
being and is the totality of who I am and who I become. My true self enables me
to pioneer, to refresh and renew who I am in the world, what I do and how I
think, feel and sense. It is my true self that can choose to turn my attention
away from the field of fear. My personality is a smaller part of my true self
and much more easily triggered through this field of fear. My personality is the
part of me that will choose more easily for the role of victim.
We always have the choice to align with our inner being and to move with grace and determination with whatever happens in our life or we can be governed by our small self’s programmes of fear and act upon those. It is a fine balance and all is welcome. We can have any experience we wish to have and afterwards return to what really matters to us.
We welcome all the major players in this board game which are also the major players in our day-to-day life. We know that our true self radiates light and love no matter what happens to us or around us; no matter which choices we make or do not make; regardless of where we bring our attention and regardless of how we are affected by the collective field or affect the collective field in turn. Our true self is always a continuously changing expression of our essence.
Please join us in our Awareness Marathon! We gently and lovingly share awareness and allow more perspectives and more choices.
An Awareness Marathon is where we invite each of us to breath and to connect with what really matters, with the truth of who we are and how we want to serve in this changing world! It is free and it is global! It is joyful and it is contagious! We are ten facilitators ready to meet you in breakout rooms! Be welcome!
warme regards,
Veerle and Elaine

Veerle De Bock: Each day I add a bit more colour to the world, I colour within and outside of the lines as I take up different roles. My different roles are social entrepreneur, physician, coach, teacher, therapist and most of all facilitator of emerging possibilities (full bio)

Elaine Mc Googan: I am a traveller, healer and organiser of admin things. I trained at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Europe over a period of 6 years. I am passionate about supporting my healing clients, exploring what it means to be in community, as well as supporting this amazing board game.