Aspects of life

Practice don’t Preach Theory U in 7 Breaths! 4th Breath.



We meet and live the “groan zone” in our Guest House, an inevitable step to allow the “letting-go” of what no longer serves us and arrive at the bottom of the U.


What is the “groan zone”? Are you able to recognize the groan zones in your life?

The “groan zone” is a term introduced for the first time by Sam Kaner and his colleagues in 1998. They define the “groan zone” as a natural period of confusion arising in a meeting when difficult issues emerge whilst in the process of what they call participatory decision-making.

We define “groan zone” as a phase where we can experience stuckness, resistance, blocked energy, confusion. We often have a strong desire to bypass and come to premature conclusions and shift to the right side of the U.

As we attempt to breathe life into Theory U and emphasize its purpose to be a Way of Being – reconnecting to the more authentic and higher aspects of ourselves – we need awareness of the “groan zone”.

You are reading the fifth article in a series of nine. The series aims to assist you to dance Theory U. The use of “breaths” is a metaphor for the components of the Life Pulse. The Life Pulse is a cosmic principle governing all of life in the Universe. The Life Pulse consists of sequential phases of contraction, stasis, expansion, stasis.

Dia18The first article invites you into our Guest House and creates a safe container. The second article shape-shifts “downloading” into a tool to gain more of Self. A listening space arises. The third article breathes life into the opening of our State of Being reason. The more of Self that is available establishes the “observing” and “curious asking” quality. The process continues with the opening of our State of Being emotion in the fourth article and we add “experiencing” to our toolbox. We experience in our physical body what we do with what happens to us and we sense through the group being. The diagram shows us where we are. This article covers the 4th of our 7 breaths.

We prepare ourselves to open our will and to learn about the importance of delving deep inside of ourselves. This deep dive is necessary in order to discern and live the “groan zone”. The learning cannot happen through a teaching, it has to unfold through the magic of this fascinating triad of “witnessing, asking, experiencing”.


Overview of the 4th Breath

The 4th Breath is, as all the other breaths in our series, a Life Pulse composed of an inward movement of contraction (green on the picture), followed by a moment of stasis (red on the picture and located at the inner edge of the U), gently extending in an outward movement of expansion (blue) and back into stasis (again red and now at the outer edge of the U).

Dia06The graphic representation reveals how the “groan zone” occupies and affects this whole breath. Only at the very end of this breath does the “letting-go” happen. We move through the eye of the needle and dive into “presencing”.

The drawing below demonstrates where this Breath is in our dance through Theory U. T-overview



We move inward, and gently and lovingly prepare ourselves to open our State of Being will.

The symbolic representation gives us an overview of our constellation. Our soul incarnates on Earth by engaging with a body-mind. This body-mind is our house and consists of a physical body, which generates an energy field. This energy field represents our personality and can be divided into three different States of Being: reason (the upper part), emotion (the front part) and will (the back part). To learn more about our fascinating human potential, please read the series of articles on Physics and Reality.

Dia10Opening of the State of Being will creates space at the back of our energy field. Chakras are energy vortices in our energy field, they are connected to areas in our physical body where there is a great deal of neural activity. Each chakra has a particular psychological area of interest.

This State of Being, will, is reached by opening the back chakras from the fifth down to the second chakra and then to the first chakra. The back of the fifth chakra stands for how we express ourselves in the world, the back of the fourth chakra holds our capacity for trust, the back of the third chakra is our ability to heal ourselves, the back of the second chakra encompasses our creativity and quantity of Self. The first chakra is the home of our life force.

The step by step opening of our will centres is for me the “groan zone”. It requires courage to be vulnerable and to face our struggles and doubts, confusion and resistance.

The gift of opening our will is the access it gives us to the intelligence of our hands, our power from within, our creativity and our capacity to be undefended.
T-groan zoneA detail of the drawing of Dancing Theory U shows our body-mind as an orange circle and our soul as a blue dot, which is moving from the centre of our body-mind to the edge and crosses the edge. A red wave tries to keep the soul movement from happening. This wave reveals the resistance.

As a host you completely participate in the “groan zone”, if you are able to show your vulnerability, you will inevitably meet your own resistance and create abilities to grow and gain more of you and you will be better able to hold space for the uneasiness, the unknown, for the boiling potential, for the uncertainty of your group.



The point of stasis is crucial at this moment in our 4th Breath. This is the moment where you shift the attention from deep within each participant outwards while you are also experiencing the “groan zone” with the group. The participants gather momentum in order to live the “groan zone”. A ritual or a meditation is often very helpful in bringing awareness to this moment.

As a host you are holding a listening space, flavoured with curious asking and experiencing, in an atmosphere of witnessing. Time to introduce this wonderful tool – “witnessing, asking, experiencing” – in more in depth.

The “asking” is a dance between the inner process and the external event that is happening to us or around us. It is a curiosity about what is here now with an opening of our State of Being reason. The asking prompts the “experiencing” of what is happening in the body as we open our State of Being emotion. Once we are “experiencing” the sensations in our body, we are then able to acknowledge where we are through impartially “witnessing” what is happening now. There is no judgment; we simply notice what is happening. We do not do anything; we just allow whatever happens to unfold.

This is the true opening of our State of Being will.

You can read more about this magic triad in the series: Why Everything that Happens Affects Everything.



We continue with an outward movement still in the “groan zone”. Most of the participants don’t like it; they experience resistance and stuckness.

We try to speak the “groan zone” into being. It is by exchanging and supporting each other that each participant will be able to really grasp this concept of “groan zone”.

We realize that the resistance is what is preventing us from “letting-go”. The “groan zone” is the phase just before. It is not willing to let go of our patterns, dynamics, habits, images, beliefs. It is not willing to let go of control, let go of pride, let go of words, let go of exerting power over, let go in all possible ways.

And there is such beauty in acknowledging this phase and in giving it enough space within the whole living process of Theory U. It is how we get to know each other and respect each other, by witnessing our struggles.

A practice helpful at this moment is World Café. World Café is a New Space Technology. It is a simple process of bringing people together to talk about things that matter. The groups are anything between 15 and 100. You need a room set up with tables that are covered with paper and can each host an average of 5 people.

People share their views around a burning question and switch tables in order to connect the threads from each table’s discussion. There is always a host at the table who makes sure the conversation stays focused around the burning question. My book Becoming What is Changing: Exposition describes World Café and compares it with several other New Space Technologies.

Here in this expansion of our 4th Breath and the burning question in our World Café is about our experience of the “groan zone”: How can we discern and allow the “groan zone”? This practice can lead us out of the “groan zone” and into “letting-go”.

Otto Scharmer defines this “letting-go” as a letting go of the ego of our old self. We do indeed let go of limited identification of our ego, we do not let go of our entire ego. Our ego is a major tool for our personal growth and allows us to tend to our State of Being. It is our inner conductor. Our ego is defined by how it identifies itself with a part or several parts of us. I invite us to identify our ego with much more of ourselves than this limited part of us. In its highest form, our ego has the capacity to sense into the field and allow magic to happen.
T-letting goA detail of the drawing of Dancing Theory U shows a literal letting go, a dissolving of the resistance in fragments. The red wave is fragmented. “Letting-go” of everything that does not serve us any longer.

It feels as if you are going to die, you don’t know how you will move through this threshold, through this eye of the needle, you can only surrender. A participant shared in one of the trainings: “Embrace, recognize, take distance from fear. You have to live it!”.

“Letting-go” is the removal, dissolving of the resistance and surrendering is the moving through the cleared field. This surrendering is our next moment of stasis.



In the World Café you invite participants to reflect in silence on the patterns, themes and deeper questions experienced in the small group conversations.

This is a stasis in deep connection with others, with the world, with the surrounding sphere. We are at the outer edge of the U, deep down in the U. We have reached a state of listening outside the world of our preconceived ideas and concepts. Our circle of attention widens and a whole field of possibilities opens, not just one new reality, many realities existing together.

We feel we are connected to and operating from a widening surrounding sphere as Otto Scharmer describes it. Time is slowing down and space seems to open.

Each individual reaches this “presencing” and so do we as a group. The group being connects to a source deep within. We achieve a deeper connectedness then we were able to do so far. A deeper connection arises in this initial phase of “presencing” reaching towards the essence of who we are and what we bring in the world. We achieve a point of communion with the group.


A real 4th breath experience

We return again as in our previous articles to the real experience of this 4th Breath in the Guest House Facilitation training in Berlin, in November 2014.

4th breathIn our training the opening of our State of Being will at the back of our energy field, started at the end of the day with the preparation of our dinner, the eating of our dinner and our night’s sleep.

The activities of daily life are a part of the training and have a space in the experience of the Life Pulse. We are not served our food, we prepare it together and we serve each other.

The idea behind this is to offer participants a more in depth experience of Theory U, of the Life Pulse, of the principles of Guest House Facilitation and an ability to take all of this back home with them.

As a host I experienced something really profound in this training. The teaching at the start of the expansion within this 4th breath was very difficult, the transmission of the knowledge was awkward and only after the completion of this breath it dawned on me that “of course” you cannot teach anything in the “groan zone”. There is too much confusion and resistance within the participants.



This 4th Breath is most of all the “groan zone” breath. The key feature of this Breath is the awareness of this fascinating triad “witnessing, asking, experiencing”, enabling us to pause and to be with what’s here now.

On our journey through Theory U, at the bottom of the U, lies an inner gate that requires a huge “letting-go”. Literally and metaphorically you need to become empty in order to be able to pass this inner gate.

This inner gate makes it clear that even if you move through the U with a group and even if the group being assists us to move through the journey, it’s an individual act of letting go of everything that is not essential. It is an individual act of opening our reason (=mind), our emotion (=heart) and our will.

It’s up to you do decide if you are ready to let go of how you know things are, should be, have to be into this fascinating field of emerging possibilities of how things could become.

This is new territory, unfamiliar in our society in many ways, yet powerful and fulfilling and needed in order for us to thrive on the waves of changing consciousness and their effects in our world.

Awareness of the Life Pulse is a wonderful tool to assist us to move through the “groan zone”, to allow the “letting-go” and the subsequent surfacing of the spaciousness of “presencing”.

From this deep connection to Source, to our soul’s purpose, and with all of us, we are ready to embark on the 5th Breath. This 5th Breath is primarily a residing in “presencing”, in the spaciousness. The key question is if tapping into this real force of “presencing” can bring the new into reality.

You can discover this in our next article.

Please, if you like this article share it with your friends and colleagues. Any comments or stories are welcome.

With love and appreciation




This series of nine articles could only arise with the amazing assistance of all those magnificent people who attended a Guest House Facilitation workshop or training. They provided me with wonderful experiences that contribute to our dance through the U. One of the participants, Elaine McGoogan co-created in a delightful way through her excellent and fluid editing work!


GHF V outside 1VEERLE DE BOCK is a social entrepreneur, a change-maker, physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.

Aspects of life

Practice don’t Preach Theory U in 7 Breaths! 3rd Breath.



We open up our State of Being “emotion” within the safe listening space of Guest House Facilitation, and we effortlessly dive into “experiencing” and “sensing”.


Imagine we are spiritual beings (souls) on a journey to experience life on Earth in a physical body. Our Way of Being is our most important task. Theory U is a framework, a method for profound change and most of all a Way of Being, through which you can connect to the more authentic and higher aspects of yourself.

Today we embark on a learning journey to remember the capacity we have for “experiencing”. We gently open our State of Being emotion and with loving kindness we observe our judgments and connect more deeply with our soul’s purpose.

This article is one of a series of nine articles. The series reveals to you the magic of Guest House Facilitation, how it allows us to dance through Theory U, effortlessly and smoothly, in its precise time and its right space.

Dia17The first article facilitates our Guest House and brings awareness to this precious cosmic principle of the Life Pulse. The Life Pulse governs all of life in the Universe and also precisely governs all our processes and organizations.

The second article shape-shifts the “downloading” into a “processing of Self”. The key feature of this 1st breath is holding a Listening Space.

The third article extensively describes the 2nd breath. Opening reason facilitates by opening the intelligence of the brain, the “seeing” and “observing”. The key feature is curious asking: we begin to understand what we see.

From the diagram you can see that we have arrived at the 3rd Breath in the fourth article of this series.


Overview of the 3rd Breath

Dia05The 3rd Breath is again an inward movement of contraction (green on the following drawing), followed by a moment of stasis (red and at the inner edge of the U), continuing with an outward movement of expansion (blue) and coming to completion in another moment of stasis (again red and now at the outer edge of the U).

In the contraction we open our State of Being emotion in order for the “sensing” and “experiencing” to happen in the expansion. We continue our exploration in more detail.



We bring awareness to the inward movement and we prepare to open our State of Being: emotion.

Dia11Let’s have a look at the graphic representation of the dance between our soul and our body-mind and how they play with the three different States of Being: reason, emotion and will. They match the mind, heart and will used in the Theory U model. In body-mind we discern the physical body (yellow) and the energy field (blue+orange+green) which it generates. This energy field permeates the physical body and extends out of the body. The energy consciousness of our body-mind is intermingled with the energy consciousness of our soul. In this energy field there are three major States of Being, which are reason (blue) the upper part, emotion (orange) the front part and will (green) the back part. Mind in our vocabulary is the whole of all the States of Being, it is our reason+emotion+will and together they give form to our personality.


By opening emotion we open the front of our energy field. Chakras are vortices of energy in our energy field and they are portals. The chakras mark the areas with high neural activity in our physical body – the plexuses. Emotion is the State of Being related with the front aspects from the fifth to the second chakra.

Each chakra harbours a psychological function. The front aspect of the fifth chakra encompasses assimilating, taking responsibility, and deeply listening. The front aspect of the fourth chakra holds our capacity for love in relationships. The front aspect of the third chakra represents intuition and your ego sense of Self. The front aspect of the second chakra is the quality of Self, the experiencing of Self.

We open the front aspect of these portals or chakras fifth to second, one by one, in order to achieve an open State of Being with regard to emotion.

You can read more about our magnificent potential and the dance between our soul and our body-mind in my book Becoming What is Changing: Exposition.

Contraction is an inward movement, a deep connection within us, an opportunity for introspection and assimilation of what has happened to us and around us in the expansion phase. This inward movement can unfold when we are alone or in relationship. We can perform our daily activities from an inward perspective.

Our energy field can be everything from big and charged to small and weak depending on our personal process with regard to our defences.

At this moment in our Guest House the contraction phase can have the form of profound sharing, from an inward connection. We share from deep inside of ourselves in an ongoing introspection and reflection.

As we continue our dance through Theory U, with our reason and emotion open, we achieve the ability to genuinely observe ourselves and how we tend to project outside of ourselves, judge ourselves and others. We judge when the organization needs to be different, the system needs to be different, our partner needs to be different, our parents should have been different, we have to be different.

A good entrance point is to look at ourselves with compassion and try to find out what our underlying needs are. Which of our needs are unmet and prompt us to judge? The State of Being, emotion, enables us to hold ourselves with a great deal of love. By bathing ourselves in love and compassion, we are able to allow a deeper level of connectedness and can risk letting go of objectification. We objectify as long as we consider ourselves separate from what we observe which can be another being, an organization or a system.

As we complete this contraction, we arrive at the phase of stasis.



This stasis is a silence at the inner edge of the U, a place of being deep within our physical body. A moment of stasis in our Life Pulse is a good time to perform a ritual.

Dia24We connected with the group being at the start of our U in the 1st Breath. Often this is a good time to reconnect and to observe the differences in the connection.

We set our intention and commitment by aligning our soul channel. This soul channel is how we incarnate as a soul into this sacred physical body and how our soul starts the dance with our body-mind. It is our soul’s connection deeply grounded and supported through the core of the Earth, and inspired through our unique star in the Sky.

At this point I’ve observed that every participant is more able to notice the relationship with the group being.

The picture illustrates what happens. Each individual is much more connected to the group being: there is a nourishing of the group being and in turn individual beings are nourished by the group being. Each individual has changed the perspective of the soul (the blue dot) from the middle of the body-mind (the orange circle) to the edge of the body-mind. We all are more fully occupying our body-mind, as is the group being.

As we gather momentum for the next wave in stasis and without any agenda, we effortlessly reach a new level of perceiving.

The boundary between the organization, system, other and “us” that we are observing starts to vanish. The organization, system, other was the object of our attention at the start of our journey. We now begin to see how “we” are the organization. A deepening occurs and implies the redirection of attention from the object of our attention (the organization, the system, the other) to the process. This process is the energetic constellation of the group, it is our field, the group being of our workshop, training or gathering.

Stasis is not a non-movement, it is a silence that enables the movement to shift from inward to outward or vice versa. With each moment of stasis our soul and body-mind meet, greet each other, find each other and we connect with the field of endless possibilities deep within or far out in the Universe.

At this moment, in this 3rd Breath, we have arrived at our next wave of outward movement.



“Expansion” is an outward movement towards the other, towards life. We experience life in relationship. Our energy field can be expanded or contracted depending on what is happening to us and around us. The state of our energy field does not define the phase of the Life Pulse.

Whatever happens to us and around us can affect us, trigger our defences, our patterns and dynamics.

As our States of Being reason and emotion are open at this stage of Theory U, we automatically begin to see, sense and feel in our bodies. This is the “Sensing” phase (step 3) in the table below.

Step 1: “DOWNLOADING”: viewing the world through our habits of thought, allowing our current reality to surface. Re-structuring

Step 7: “PERFORMING”: achieve results through actions, embedding the new into the larger context


OPEN MIND: Re-designing

Step 2: “SEEING”: seeing reality with fresh eyes, suspend judgements, the system being observed is separate from those who observe

Step 6: “PROTOTYPING”: explore the future by doing, prototyping, enacting the new by being in dialogue with the Universe


OPEN HEART: Re-framing

Step 3: “SENSING”: the attention shifts to the inner way of seeing, from object to process. The boundary between observer and observed collapses.

Step 5: “CRYSTALLIZING”: the attention shifts from the inner vision to exterior action. Crystallising vision and intention, envisioning the new from the future that wants to emerge


OPEN WILL: Re-generating



Step 4: “PRESENCING”: Connection to the deepest source

As the host in Guest House Facilitation it is essential to keep your reason open, your emotion open and your will open. This is how you can follow the Life Pulse in the moment within the dynamic of your group.

The expansion is profound. In Guest House Facilitation we apply different practices to allow conversations that matter to effortlessly unfold. In the third article of this series we already touched into one of the New Space Technologies: Dynamic Facilitation. Dynamic Facilitation is a method invented by the genius of Jim Rough and is extensively described in Roza Zubizarreta’ book. Roza is a creative and inspired associate of the DF society, she wrote a useful manual on the principles of Dynamic Facilitation.

Dynamic Facilitation (DF) can be a catalyst in allowing participants to share with an open reason and emotion state of being. Participants engage simultaneously from their brain and their heart.

When something intuitively feels like a major contribution and one that requires a circle checking, I temporarily weaken the DF mode and switch to Circle Practice, a powerful and ancient form of gathering brought back into modern life by Ann Linea and Christina Baldwin. As I switch practices, I continue to take notes and to reflect what is said.

sensing xWe have a new graphic representation for this step and in Guest House Facilitation this refers to the dance between the soul and body-mind. The energy body of our soul now extends outside of the body-mind boundaries. You see the body-mind as an orange circle and the soul as the blue dots moving out of the safe container of the body-mind.

We move outwards in this expansion and deeply connect with each other. We experience in our body and at the same time the “sensing” happens from the whole field through the group being.



We are most definitely reaching out to a deeper sense of connectedness at the end of this expansion phase. And again we find ourselves at the outer edge of our U.

We perceive in a different way, we are part of a bigger whole, and this is no longer an observation, we really become part of this bigger whole. There is no longer objectification, we are one with all living beings.

Stasis is always a moment of gathering momentum for the next wave to come. We are charging the group being and we charge our own energy field.

We prepare to dive deep into our personal processes in the 4th Breath.


A real 3rd Breath experience

The picture shows you a real third breath, which took place during a Guest House Facilitation Training in Berlin, in November 2014.

3rd breathYou can see that walking is part of our inward movement. This helps us to deeply integrate and assimilate all that has already unfolded through the steps of “processing the Self” and “seeing”.

Guest House Facilitation includes the activities of daily life as part of the experience. This enables you to have an even deeper awareness of the Life Pulse.

In this deep, inward stasis, participants are invited to check where they are in their own Life Pulse.



This 3r Breath brings us already deep within the U.

We observe, observe and observe. We go to the places with the most potential and we listen with our reason and emotion open.

We are unfolding the capacity for ‘experiencing’. We use this tool of ‘experiencing’ to understand what we do with what happens to us and around us. It is an active sensing as a group and it is experiencing as an individual. Where are you, what is happening in this precious body you inhabit? We still hold a Listening Space and our ability for Curious Asking. We are approaching the reconnection with our soul’s purpose at the bottom of the U.

We recognize what we see and we begin to be able to put words on what we see. There is an intelligence emerging from our heart and we begin to acknowledge this intelligence. We see with our heart. And so far there is still a split between what we do and what we say and think. How can we walk our talk?

In order to establish this we move on to the 4th breath and we sink into the “groan zone”.

Sam Kaner and his colleagues first introduced the term “groan zone” in 1998. They define the “groan zone” as a natural period of confusion in the process of participatory decision-making when difficult issues are on the agenda.


Much more is to come in the fifth article of this series next week.

If you like this series, please share it with your friends and colleagues.

Comments and stories are very welcome.

With love and appreciation


GHF V in action 1



This series of nine articles could only arise with the amazing assistance of all those magnificent people who attended a Guest House Facilitation workshop or training. They provided me with wonderful experiences that contribute to our dance through the U. One of the participants, Elaine McGoogan co-created in a delightful way through her excellent and fluid editing work!

VEERLE DE BOCK is a social entrepreneur, a change-maker, physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Aspects of life

Building Cathedrals, the Secret of Meaningful Work!

Building Cathedrals, the Secret of Meaningful Work!


There is no difference between important and less important work –work needs to be meaningful for you and aligned with what you want to create in your life!

One day in 1671, Christopher Wren observed three bricklayers on a scaffold. He asked all of them the same question, “What are you doing?” to which the first bricklayer replied, “I’m working.” The second bricklayer, responded, “I’m building a wall.” But the third bricklayer, when asked the question, “What are you doing?” replied with a gleam in his eye, “I’m building a cathedral to The Almighty.” Christopher Wren is one of the world’s most famous architects, who was commissioned to rebuild St Paul’s Cathedral after the great fire which leveled London in 1666.

Are you a cathedral builder?


Is there important and less important work?

Let us imagine a reality story. I am hungry and I open my fridge. This fridge has been made and ended up in my kitchen through the efforts of countless hands, many of which do so-called not important work. Work many of us don’t want our children or the children we care for to end up doing if they are to succeed in life.

And this is only the fridge; what about the food, the kitchen, the table and the chairs, the plate and cutlery. It is endless—so many people are involved and needed in the process of feeding me when I am hungry.

We can explore this a bit further.

Is important work what you would still do regardless of payment, approval and recognition?

Our joy is directly related to how meaningful our work is to us, not to the outside world. What growth does our soul accomplish? How alive are we through our work?

Maybe what we want most for our children is that they are alive and connected to their souls.

Meaningful work may result in the highest good for all. Meaningful work may affect our environment and our children, and it is in itself not the purpose of meaningful work.


How do we become cathedral builders?

We are back to our beginning statement.

How do we become a cathedral builder?

We first need to identify what is meaningful for us. We need to discover thoroughly what we desire to create in our lives. Not what anybody else expects us to create, or what society or our culture expects us to create, not what we so far thought we desired. This process of identifying what we truly deeply desire in this moment is not easy.

The next step is to support internally what we desire. This step requires self-love. Self-love is allowing us to be alive through supporting our deepest desire.

When we have achieved these two internal steps, we are ready to externally redirect our resources in order to manifest what we desire and what makes us feel alive. These resources consist of different amounts of money, attention, energy and time.

We learn to become cathedral builders by tending to our State of Being.


The story of the three masons

Let us come back to Christopher Wren’s story and fill it with some more imagination and clarity.

A man at St. Paul’s cathedral comes across three masons who are working at chipping chunks of granite from large blocks.


The first mason seems unhappy at his job, chipping away and frequently looking at his watch. When this man is asked what he is doing, he responds rather shortly: “I’m hammering this stupid rock and I can’t wait ‘til 5 when I can go home and watch TV.”

He created a job that clearly does not give him joy. The invitation for him is to first start by finding out what his dream is, what he actually desires most now in this moment to create. Find out what makes him feel alive.

Do you recognize yourself in this first mason? I sometimes do. I try to be done as soon as possible with the work at hand and be able to continue what really makes me feel alive and inspired. I admit that my results are not always as I wish them to be, I often stumble on the road.


A second mason, seemingly is more interested in his work, he is hammering diligently, and when asked what it is that he is doing, answers: “Well, I’m molding this block of rock. I construct a wall together with other masons. It is our task at hand so that others in the chain can fulfill their job. It’s not bad work, and I’ll sure be glad when it is done.”

This man has joy in his work and sees his job as a chain in a bigger whole. Often this is how we divert our resources from what gives us energy to what will support others. When we find out what makes us feel alive, our next task is to support this, and in order to do this we need to have self-love. And not be ashamed to love ourselves. What we desire to create might become the highest good of others though it is not our aim.

Are you like this second mason? More aligned with what you are supposed to do, should do in order to fit into society? For a big part of my life, I have been like this second mason, doing what I was supposed to do and being rather satisfied by this.


A third mason is hammering at his block fervently, taking time to stand back and admire his work. He chips off small pieces until he is satisfied that it is the best he can do. When he is questioned about his work he stops, gazes skyward and proudly proclaims: “I am building a cathedral!”

This man does meaningful work. What he does and where he directs his resources, his time, money, attention and energy is giving him joy and fulfillment; he is alive and inspiring.

When are you like this third mason?

dancing the cowpea harvestThe girl on the photo is beautifully showing us a representation of a third mason. She is engaged in a community building process in Kufunda village, Zimbabwe. Her task is to free the cowpeas from the husks. She dances on the cowpea harvest.


Using ourselves as a laboratory

Holacracy is a real-world-tested social technology for agile and purposeful organization. Its creators know that your soul has to shine through in the roles you fulfill. One of their ideas is to set up a company-wide Role Market Place, where they invite the employees to rate the roles they fulfill in an organization. This tool is also useful to rate any role you fulfill in your life.

The scale assists you to rate your different roles from -3 to +3. You use the following questions:

  • If you find the role energizing (+) or draining (-)
  • If you find their talents aligned (+) or not (-) with this role
  • If you find your current skills and knowledge conducive to (+) or limiting in (-) this role


What makes me a cathedral builder when I am cooking? I am not a chef and yet I love to play, combine and create dishes with fresh ingredients with an abundance of different flavors and colours. I can rate myself +3, and sometimes when I have the feeling I have to prepare dinner, this can sink as low as a -3.

What makes me a cathedral builder when I clean up? The ability to feel where the energy is stuck and create order where there is more flow and harmony in our house. Then I have +3 on the rating scale.

The easiest way for me to feel like a cathedral builder is when I am writing and playing with the insights I receive.

Crafting this article makes me feel alive and happy. I write, edit, and experience in my body what is unfolding in this present moment. I am fully present with what is happening now, all of me is available. I am energized, my talents are aligned with this role, and my current skills and knowledge are conducive to this writing.

When I add this to my experience of cooking and cleaning up, it makes sense that my work is meaningful when I am as fully present as possible in the moment. With all of me present, any work is meaningful and playful.

I discover how tending to the life pulse is a major assistance for being fully present. You can read more in the article The Life Pulse Mystery. The life pulse is the cosmic principle that governs all life in the Universe, the magic pulse in the Zero Point Field that lies at the base of any manifestation. Awareness of the life pulse is a premise in order to be able to build cathedrals. This can go from a simple moment of silence, a stasis to gather momentum for a new wave of expansion, or a moment of silence in connectedness to honor all that outgoing moment has offered you. Building cathedrals is also taking time for introspection and reflection. This is the contraction, the inward movement of your life pulse.




What work will be meaningful and which work will nobody want to do anymore when there is no payment of any kind?

What do you want to do with your resources?

How do you want to spend your precious time, energy, attention and money?

Your State of Being is the most important task to tend to, and only that which sustains your State of Being is worth doing.

You can rate your presence in each of your current roles through these simple questions:

  • Does this role energize you?
  • Are your talents aligned with this role?
  • Are your current skills and knowledge fully contributing to this role?


Three times yes, and you are a cathedral builder in this role!

If you liked this article, please share with your friends and leave a comment.




VEERLE DE BOCK is a physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Contact Veerle about the book, or to discuss coaching/hosting for your organisation at:




Aspects of life

How to fall in Love with Our State of Being

How to fall in Love with Your State of Being

Dia1Creating an intimate partnership between your soul ego and the human ego, allows your hearts to beat as one. Your soul sees through the eyes of the human self.

What is our State of Being?
Imagine our ego not being good or bad. Consider the possibility that you in fact have two egos at work in what you assume to be you. The ego is an aspect of this fascinating body-mind, which you chose for your partnership on Earth, and your spiritual self also has an ego.

This brings us to the question: Who is the ‘I’ that is making decisions, making choices, creating, healing, dreaming and resting?
This is a profound question. Let us first clarify the purpose of incarnation, and then have a closer look at the innate intelligence of the body. This brings us towards more insight around the idea of two egos.

• The purpose of all of us coming into this human realm is to achieve soul growth through experiencing life on Earth.
• Our physical body has a natural intelligence independent from our soul.
• Inside each of us, there are two egos that signed on for a partnership.
• The ‘I’ experiencing through the physical body is our soul.

What is the purpose of our incarnation?
We have different developmental levels as souls, and according to our level we are assigned a body-mind to have our experience and growth.
Assigned might not be the right word, as we have a say in all this, we have free choice. Michael Newton explores this territory profoundly through his groundbreaking research into the afterlife.
We incarnate on Earth with the purpose to allow our souls to grow through experiencing life in a physical body.
The physical body is a living organism that has developed over many thousands of years and has a natural intelligence. I highlight some specifics of our sacred physical body.

The natural intelligence of the body
Our physical body is in close connection with the essence from the field of endless possibilities. This field surrounds and permeates everything in the Universe.

In each of the 50 trillion cells we find a nucleus, which harbors the DNA, the library of the ancestral heritage, the blueprint of this living organism. All these 50 trillion cells are organized in tissues, organs and systems.

The intelligence further reveals itself through the fact that there is no hierarchy in the body. The heart of the body-mind has a particular role and facilitates the connection between the physical body and its energy field. This energy field is created through the electrical currents that are generated in the physical body and give rise to an electromagnetic field that uses the physical body as a conductor. Whatever happens in the physical body will affect the energy field. Childhood stories that are stored in the physical body have specific vibrations in the field. To achieve this, the physical body applies the laws of classical physics. Any changes in the energy field will mutually affect the physical body. This is one of the manifestation processes of diseases and symptoms. Certain thoughts, beliefs, images—all vibrations in our energy field—will be revealed as physical processes to teach us.

The ego is a specific energetic constellation within the electromagnetic field surrounding and permeating our body. The natural intelligence of the body organizes and provides itself with an assistant.
The ego is part of the development of the front aspect of the third chakra, the energy vortex in our energy field located at our solar plexus. A healthy ego is a conductor for the inner symphony of different tones, musical instruments and notes.

This is only a glimpse of the majesty of our sacred physical bodies. They are an amazing tool for our souls to experience in many unexpected and refreshing ways.

A partnership between our soul and body-mind
The ‘I’ that is experiencing is not our physical body or our personality, our human ego or our mind, whatever name you give it. The ‘I’ that experiences through the physical body is our soul, our spiritual self, our spiritual ego. We are often misinterpreting this deep truth through a human ego that tries to make sense. This is such fascinating territory! What is the human ego then? Let us recapitulate: Our physical body is Divine and part of the wholeness of all that is, and it has a self-organizing principle inherent through which it functions. One of the results of this self-organizing is the creation of an ego as a conductor to govern the body-mind.

This is so fascinating; many times we identify with the human ego and let it steal the show. Our soul can only witness and wonder why this illusion seems so real. From the bigger perspective ‘I’ can allow everything to be as it is and be completely at ease and happy, ‘I’ create an intimate relationship between the two egos. We become much bigger then the separate parts of this partnership.
So of course it depends on which body-mind you are creating a partnership with. It is true that some body-minds are seemingly more difficult than other body-minds. The teaching lies in the possibilities incorporated in the partnership.
The real question is, what are we ready to learn?

The practicality of this partnership
I refer to the words of Ya’Acov Darling Khan from Movement Medicine:
“Letting the dancer awaken through the breath,
animate this body.
There are many times
when we forgot you dear body,
when we followed someone else’s story,
someone else’s dream.
When we tried to take somebody’s shape
that wasn’t our own.
Let the dancer bring you back to the wisdom,
to the intelligence of this body.
Dance yourself,
breath yourself,
back home,
back home.”

I perceive sadness in these words, a sadness of the missed intimacy with the body-mind, and at the same time this exemplifies the invitation to animate the body-mind with our soul. Ya’Acov introduces the inner dancer as our spiritual ego that follows the intention to come home in the body-mind we agreed upon.

I add a story to make it more practical. I experience sadness in my body-mind around unmet needs in my relationship with a precious friend. I am curious what the meaning is of this sadness.
In my morning practice I dance, and I realize there is a meaning when I experience sadness, that it is not just the sadness in itself that it is a doorway to much more of myself, and I guess I am seeing a deeper part. So indeed, there is always more insight, more uncovering and experiencing of knowledge. So fascinating!

The sadness is there. I can perceive it and even locate it in my physical body in my heart and throat. And I am already wondering, is it ‘my’ physical body? Am ‘I’ my physical body? Or is the ‘I’ really my spiritual being, the soul who I am and who is having the possibility of creating an intimate partnership with this sacred, amazing body-mind and through this experience of life, so intimate as if ‘I’ am the body-mind that I partner with.
I feel the doorway. I feel how the human heart and my spiritual heart beat as one, the heart of this sacred body-mind and the heart of my soul.

Something shifts in this very moment, as if ‘I’ see the world through the eyes of this beautiful body-mind. The ‘I’ that is seeing is my soul.
I feel deeply touched, this is really very sacred and profound. I feel vulnerable and open.



Awareness is the answer to how we can affect our State of Being. Awareness offers the choice to apply your intention to accomplish your soul’s purpose on Earth. Our State of Being is defined through the bridge between our two selves, our spiritual self or soul and our human self or body-mind. The stronger this bridge, the more magnetizing and magnificent our State of Being. This will ultimately affect our world and create this more beautiful world our heart knows is possible.
Our heart that is part of our spiritual self knows and our human heart knows. The heart that is part of our body-mind is an amazing facilitator. We can discern a facilitator of all the processes of the physical body and a facilitator between the different parts of the personality. The hearts of our soul and of the body-mind are important aspects of the bridge between our two selves.

The invitation is to trust beyond the sometimes limited reality of the body-mind and the illusions which arise through experiencing life on Earth.
When we can see the world through this sacred body-mind, we also really see others in all their beauty and exuberance, and nothing is required in return. We simply see, and this is the strength of all that we are exploring and creating in the world.
And this makes us happy and fulfilled beyond measure.

This is so astonishing!

Becoming what is changing is the very act of bridging the body-mind and our soul.
How is your partnership with the body-mind?
I look forward to your comments.

July 24th, 2014


veerle caminoVEERLE DE BOCK is a physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Contact Veerle about the book, or to discuss coaching/facilitation for your organisation at: