Chances to change


You play with two dice and journey through a theory of everything to find your place in all of life and to discover how to live your life to the fullest.


This is the story of how everything I have done in my life has coalesced into the creation of a platform for the emergence of the “ChancesToChange board game”. This game was birthed in December 2016.

  • Guest House Facilitation practice manifesting as a U wave.
  • A three-dimensional view of the Life Pulse.
  • Adding deep human aspects to the infinity symbol.
  • Flipping the orientation of the infinity symbol.
  • Theory U shape-shifts into an infinity symbol.
  • A specific colour code in alignment with the emerging knowledge.
  • A two-dimensional board emerges.


Guest House Facilitation practice manifesting as a U wave

Guest House Facilitation is a complex, interconnected and continuously changing practice, it is fluid and smart-flexible. It is a process of experiencing which can only be expressed in words afterwards. The Guest House Facilitation mission is to listen to all voices, even to the whispers.

The main ingredients of Guest House Facilitation are Theory U and the Life Pulse


Theory U (top of the picture above) has been developed by Otto Scharmer and his team, it is a change management method where leaders move through a process of inner knowing and social innovation. Theory U is a framework indeed a method and also a way of being.

The Life Pulse (bottom left in the picture above) is a cosmic principle with different phases: stasis (red), contraction (green), stasis (red), expansion (blue). Stasis or pause is stillness and emptiness. It is an inward movement connecting with our inner being. Contraction is an outward movement where we enter into relationship with our personality. Expansion is an outward movement, where we enter into relationship with the collective field.

The first representations of the Life Pulse and the Theory U during our Guest House Facilitation gatherings were U forms with waves (picture above on the right).

The U process is what happens as Guest House Facilitation (GHF) unfolds. The U process transforms and shape-shifts GHF and vice versa. We create space for this fascinating and wonderful process through graciously bringing our attention to the cosmic principle of the Life Pulse.


A three-dimensional view of the Life Pulse 

Panarchy is the study of the interactions between economic growth and human development and how they depend on ecosystems and institutions.

In a step-by-step process by adding the ingredient of Panarchy to the Life Pulse, the Life Pulse naturally emerged as an infinity symbol (April 2016). Contraction (green) and expansion (blue) become loops and both meet in the middle where the phases of stasis (red) are superimposed.


The emergence of the Life Pulse as an infinity symbol happened very quickly and from that moment on, the infinity symbol became an integral part of the Guest House Facilitation practice. We explore connectedness and individuality, resilience and vulnerability in relationship with the Life Pulse.

Adding deep human aspects to the infinity symbol

In August 2015, my deep love and appreciation for the physical body gave rise to the idea of creating a Body Tarot card deck to inspire others on their journey with their body. During the following months, a Body Tarot group was formed.

We are crafting a Body Tarot card deck of 120 cards (22 big arcana cards, 70 minor arcana cards and 28 court cards). The Body Tarot is a vehicle to allow a fuller expression of our true self through listening to our body.

The 22 cards (0-21) of the big arcana each represent an aspect of being human starting with the “Void” and comprising fascinating aspects like “Collective consciousness”, “Relationship”, “Community”, ending with “Cosmic Consciousness”.

Those 22 cards organise themselves as three waves of the infinity symbol shown in the picture below.

ChanceToChange Boardgame_52

These big arcana cards affect the Guest House Facilitation practice and are affected by GHF in return – cross-fertilization unfolds.


Flipping the orientation of the infinity symbol

Through the lived experience of the lemniscate within the practice of Guest House Facilitation the orientation naturally changed. The outward movement of contraction (green) flips to the left side and the outward movement of expansion (blue) flips to the right side. The inward movement of stasis (red) stays at the centre of the infinity symbol.

Flipped infinity symbol

In the course of Guest House Facilitation new elements are added onto the infinity symbol such as the difference between inner and outer potential, vulnerability as the other side of resilience and individuality balancing connection. All those seemingly opposite aspects are a continuum and need each other in order to keep the fluidity in the whole system.


Theory U shape-shifts into an infinity symbol

The U transforms into an infinity symbol as described on the picture below. The down part of the U makes a loop as does the upwards part and both meet in the middle in the area of presencing.

transforming the U

This is a huge revelation within the practice of GHF: each time we have finished a U, we come back to the centre and prepare for another ride. The centre is the presencing, the connection with source, with our essence.


Colours in alignment with the depth of the knowledge

Slowly a specific colour code emerged. The primary colours are blue, red and yellow. Blue is the colour given to the soul and spiritual family. Red is the colour used for the physical body and the earth. Yellow is the colour assigned to the collective field and our biological family. You can recognize all these colours on the left side of the picture below.

Colourcode CTC

Mixing up these colours give the other colours as can be seen on the picture above on the right.

Red and yellow give orange. Orange becomes the colour for expansion, for the outward movement into relationship with others. Our body (red) interacts with the collective field (yellow).

Blue and yellow give green. Green becomes the colour for contraction, for the outward movement into relationship with our personality. Our soul (blue) interacts with the collective consciousness (yellow).

Red and blue give purple. Purple represents the stasis, the silent mind through the intimate connection between our body (red) and soul (blue).

Magenta is red, blue and yellow or green, purple and orange. Magenta is the colour associated with mind.

This colour code is applied throughout all the graphic facilitation of the practice of Guest House Facilitation.


A two-dimensional board emerges

In December 2016, I was guided to intuitively craft a board game to play with my family on Christmas Day. My husband, our four children and their partners are my tribe and my most precious container on my journey to create the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible. I experienced a deep desire to celebrate their magnificence and find an easy way to transmit what makes me so full of joy and aliveness. The result was the first prototype of this board game.

Blue dots on board game

You might notice that the board has blue dots. These are the big arcana cards of the Body Tarot and as already explained these are all aspects of being human.

inifnity symbol boardThe infinity symbol simplifies into its current form in the board game, while still retaining all its content (from Theory U and Panarchy). The green and orange areas each have three different phases.



This is an integration of Theory U, the Life Pulse and Panarchy with a lived experience of the practice of Guest House Facilitation and seasoned with the big arcana cards of the Body Tarot. These cards are deep human aspects which we are normally not aware of.

The outcome is an amazingly simple board with all these levels of knowledge underneath and supported by the being of this game. This being is a living organism following universal laws.

This process of shape shifting and emerging reveals both the holographic and holistic aspects of the board game.

The board game received the name: ChancesToChange.

Are you curious and do you want to explore more about this fabulous board game? You can click here

Did you enjoy this post? If so, please share on your favourite social media (buttons below). It’s a HUGE help for me and I am always really grateful.

Thanks, Veerle


Veerle De Bock Images_14 

I am a social entrepreneur, a change-maker, a physician, a healer, a facilitator, a trainer, a coach and an author. I shift and take on different roles. I spent nearly three decades of my life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital, until August 2012.

In 2003, I began my studies as an energy healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. Till 2014, I taught at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Europe.

In 2010, Jim Rough trained me in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation, which I moulded through workshops and training sessions into a new integrative practice of facilitation which I call ‘Guest House Facilitation’.

In 2013, I wrote and self-published a book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, it is the first part of a trilogy. The book integrates a great deal of my experiences in the hospital with the elderly and our caregivers’ team. The aim is for each of us to allow the emergence of the kind of transformation into our lives and workplaces, so that we can create an environment where we and others are joyful, alive and continuously growing.

In 2012, I discovered the Art of Hosting community. I attended several workshops and had the opportunity to be on the hosting team of several gatherings in Zimbabwe, South Africa and France.

One of the cornerstones of my practice is Theory U designed by Otto Scharmer. I have followed the u.labs over the past two years.

In August 2015, my deep love and appreciation for the physical body gave rise to the idea to create a Body Tarot card deck to inspire others on their journey with their body. During the following months our Body Tarot group was formed.

Everything I have done in my life has coalesced into the creation of a platform for the emerging of the “ChancesToChange board game”, birthed in December 2016.



Aspects of life

Experiencing the life pulse as an Infintity Symbol


Combine the cosmic principle of expansion, stillness and contraction with individuality and connectedness, potential and resilience.


How can we bring the genius potential in each other into being?

The answer is remembering this fabulous cosmic principle of the life pulse that exists in every living being and group being.

What are the crucial ingredients of this magical infinity symbol?

  • A pulsating potential
  • A safe space
  • Connectedness and individuality
  • Resilience and vulnerability


A pulsating potential

The life pulse is a cosmic principle that governs all of life in the Universe. It is pulsating and endless moving. It has three aspects, which are expansion, stillness and contraction. They follow each other, are intrinsically connected, one cannot without the other.

dia15An easy way to connect with the cosmic principle of the life pulse is silence. Bringing our attention to the stillness, the purple in our image, in the middle in the bottom area. This is the arriving out of the muchness of our current life circumstances, with all that happens to us and around us.

In this fascinating silence nothing happens and yet everything happens.

If you wish you can experience this silence in this moment.

The stillness is the gathering of momentum for the next phase of the life pulse.

dia16The purple arrow shows how you move from the stillness into contraction (green on our image). It is an inward movement where you transform the outer potential offered through the exploitation into inner potential through nourishment, consolidation and integration. The wave continues and invites us to let go, which feels like a letting go of inner potential in order to achieve outer potential. We let go to create space.

At the end of the contraction, we move into another moment of stillness (the purple on top in the middle). This is the silence in which we listen to guidance.

What is the next step in our life, in our organization, our projects?

The expansion is a moving outward, towards the other (orange on our image). What wants to be given birth to in the free space created through the letting go? The potential balances towards outer potential as newness is brought into the world. It is the pioneering. Expansion continues and makes a crucial turn towards exploitation, as you can see this is again accompanied by a movement from outer into inner potential.

We have an ongoing wave, we reach again stillness in order to be leaded into stabilization, integration and consolidation. The potential that is touched into has to be integrated.


A safe space

The virtual safe space is created energetically through the endless sign. As if the sacred geometry of this sign holds you. The geometry trusts that you have the answers for your own questions and challenges.

The safety has the form of an ongoing wave always originating and always returning to the vastness of stillness.

Even if we loose track of the wave, it is there when we return, reminding us of its different aspects. The safety resides within the different aspects of the life pulse. The gentle stabilization and consolidation secures the potential after its movement through exploitation and offers nourishment. The letting go or dying is securing the safety of the whole. The emerging future in the expansion harbors the safety of growth and the application into the world.


Connectedness and individuality

The sacredness of the life pulse as an infinity symbol lays in the uniqueness of each living being and process and the connectedness of all living beings and living processes.

The individuality shows itself in the releasing; the letting go is an act that moves a living process or a living being from individuality into connectedness . This connectedness is needed in order for the pioneering, the reorganization to be able to unfold.



When fresh ideas or new aspects of the Self arise, the next step is the exploitation, the bringing it into fruition into the world.

For this step we need connectedness. We dance between both, it is an and/and and not an either/or though in a wave mode, moving from one to the other. The consolidation and integration is an individual act.


Resilience and vulnerability

Another interesting aspect of the life pulse representing itself as an infinity symbol is the movement between vulnerability and resilience.


There are two specific moments in the wave that we balance towards vulnerability. The first moment is when we move inward in order to stabilize and consolidate; the second moment is when we move into the reorganization, the pioneering. Vulnerability is important and is daring greatly.

We are resilient when we accomplish a letting-go, a release of what we no longer need. We are equally resilient when we bring our pioneering into exploitation.

Resilience is our ability to recover after difficult situations.



This view on the life pulse reveals how it is intricately interwoven with all living processes and all living beings. It is so fascinating and awesome. It brings light into all the natural phenomena and helps us to open up for the field of endless possibilities.

We often forget how genius and exhilarating we are.

This amazing pulsating infinity symbol opens doors and windows.

We need courage and commitment to bring this awareness of the life pulse back into our lives and to play with the different aspects without rigidifying the whole process through control.

Each individual has an evolutionary purpose. The question for each participant is: What is my calling to be here? What do I need, what is my longing? What is my offering? And always connected with how can I bring that into the world, my organizations, my life?

The life pulse as cosmic principle is extensively described in the pathwork lectures (channelings by Eva Pierrakos: the infinity symbol comes from the elaborate work of the Resiliance Alliance, a group of leading organizations and individuals involved in ecological and economic research around the world. The book: Panarchy. Understanding Transformation in Human and Natural Systems edited by Lance H. Gunderson. C.S. Holling.

The life pulse is an inherent aspect of the practice of Guest House Facilitation. You can read more about this magnificent practice here on this website ChancesToChange or you can contact me.


With love and gratitude


Images_14VEERLE DE BOCK is a social entrepreneur, a change-maker, physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing. She is the initiator of a Teal Organization: A Mystery School for Life.

Aspects of life

Practice don’t Preach Theory U in 7 Breaths! Invitation.



Guest House Facilitation unravels the mystery of how Theory U unfolds, precisely as it should be, effortlessly and smoothly with the awareness of the Life Pulse.


How to bring Theory into practice? How can we hold space for the steps of Theory U regardless of the contributions of the participants, the constellation of your group and the available knowledge within the group?

Imagine bringing your awareness to your breath. A few deep breaths metaphorically bring you right down the U in connection with Source. A few more breaths and you act as an enlivened steward of life’s brilliant potential.

What is the mystery at play here, how does Theory U unfold with such divine precision – effortlessly and smoothly?

This series of articles offers you a step by step journey through Theory U. The first article is your personal invitation into our Guest House. We present our offerings. The next seven articles engage you more and more deeply with each breath. The final article in this series weaves all of it together.



Guest House Facilitation

Guest House Facilitation is a new and refreshing practice. The basic idea is the welcoming of all inner and outer guests. The inner guests are all our thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations. The outer guests are all the participants. Everybody who is present has a role in the bigger whole. Even the whispers in the background are important.

The Latin word “facilitare” literally means making easy. I make the interaction with the outer participants and our inner parts easy.

I use Rumi’s well known poem the Guest House as a metaphor.

I do not prepare for “Guest House Facilitation” or have an agenda. It’s not possible to make plans for people who are not yet physically present. This prevents us from underestimating the amazing power, intelligence and leadership within the group.

You can read more about Guest House Facilitation on the website Chances to Change.

Theory U is a very precious presence in our Guest House Facilitation.



Theory U

Since its emergence around 2006, the founders of Theory U understand its purpose in three primary ways. The first is to understand it as a framework; the second is as a method for profound change; and the third is as a way of being through which you can connect to the more authentic and higher aspects of yourself.

Theory U is non-linear but for ease of reference throughout this series of articles, I have structured it into its linear form in the table below which summarises all the steps of Theory U, steps 1 through to 7.


Step 1:“DOWNLOADING”: viewing the world through our habits of thought, allowing our current reality to surface. Re-structuring Step 7:“PERFORMING”: achieve results through actions, embedding the new into the larger context
Step 2:“SEEING”: seeing reality with fresh eyes, suspend judgements, the system being observed is separate from those who observe Step 6:“PROTOTYPING”: explore the future by doing, prototyping, enacting the new by being in dialogue with the Universe
Step 3:“SENSING”: the attention shifts to the inner way of seeing, from object to process. The boundary between observer and observed collapses. Step 5:“CRYSTALLISING”: the attention shifts from the inner vision to exterior action. Crystallising vision and intention, envisioning the new from the future that wants to emerge
Step 4: “PRESENCING”: Connection to the deepest source

We start here and we don’t know how the process will continue to unfold. We bring the cosmic principle of the Life Pulse into our Guest House Facilitation in order for us to dance with Theory U.



What is the Life Pulse?

The Life Pulse is a cosmic principle with sequential phases, always in a sequence of stasis, expansion, stasis, contraction and again stasis.

Stasis is a moment of silence, a pause to gather momentum to travel outside in expansion toward the other, in relationship or to travel inside in contraction, inward into yourself.


You can experience this cosmic principle deep in your physical body. An easy way to understand what this means is to breath in and out deeply. You breath in, you pause, you breath out, you pause.

Breathing is one of the simplest versions of the Life Pulse.


In terms of the Life Pulse you breath in, you move inward, you nourish yourself, your blood is oxygenated, you pause in deep silence within the depth of you. You breath out, you reach out, speaking and singing happens on the outbreath –and at the end of the outbreath, there is another moment of silence, you reach another moment of connectedness.

After this stasis in connectedness you move back inward, this is contraction, you have time to integrate, to apply introspection and reflection. Your physical body is nourished.


To learn more about the principle of the Life Pulse, please see the Pathwork Guide, Lecture No. 55 – The Cosmic Expanding, Retracting and Static Principles (


In the Life Pulse Mystery you can read how this cosmic principle enables us to play with the concept of creation. And a further step is to understand How the Life Pulse allows you to unfold your DNA.

And in fact it also affects the DNA of your organization. Add to that the awareness of Theory U and magic happens!

As our dance through Theory U unfolds throughout this series of articles, I offer you the experience I’ve gained from several Guest House Facilitation workshops and trainings.



Dancing Theory U

If we combine this model with the life pulse, we can perceive that stasis moments will happen inside the U and outside the U. This seems to indicate that on the inside you have the connection deep within yourself and on the outside you have the possibility of establishing a deep interconnectedness with each other. Source is as much present on the inside as it is on the outside.


The graphic representation below gives an illustration of our dance through Theory U with awareness of the Life Pulse.



  • The first breath: “Downloading” is happening and we discover the immense potential we have to dive deeply into this step – allowing this step to become “processing of Self”.
  • The second breath: “Seeing” unfolds and “curious asking” effortlessly brings us to the questions that truly matter.
  • The third breath: “Sensing” brings us to a deep immersion into extraordinary “experiencing”’.
  • The fourth breath: The “groan zone” is the next step we discover – it is our resistance to letting go just before we let go.
  • The fifth breath: “Presencing” happens in a huge inward movement, graciously expanding into “letting-come and “crystallising”.
  • The sixth breath: “Prototyping” becomes a “filling of Self”, an “embodying” of the future, as it wants to emerge, in the huge wave of possibilities.
  • The seventh breath: “Performing” is “bringing Self into the world” in further unfolding, ever continuing, waves of the Life Pulse.


I hope you are curious!


All of this is covered extensively in each article of this series.







Guest House Facilitation is a way of being in which you tend to your State of Being through living Theory U; you discover unknown aspects of yourself. Your blind spot can be a potential gift, and it can sometimes be very messy –it might disturb and even destroy, and still it is an entry point into more of you.


Theory U is a framework, a method and a way of being through which processing more of “you” engages more of “you” into the world. I facilitate this fascinating and wonderful process in Guest House Facilitation through graciously bringing our attention to the cosmic principle of the Life Pulse.


Are you ready to embark on this journey with me?


The next article in the series brings more awareness to the First Breath in our process. We immediately jump into the unknown hidden territory of the Self.

Your comments and stories are very welcome. If you like this article, please share them through your favourite social media (there are links at the left side of this article). I am always very grateful for your thoughts and opinions.


With love and appreciation





This series of nine articles could only arise with the amazing assistance of all those magnificent people who attended a Guest House Facilitation workshop or training. They provided me with wonderful experiences that contribute to our dance through the U. One of the participants, Elaine McGoogan co-created in a delightful way through her excellent and fluid editing work!


GHF V outside 1VEERLE DE BOCK is a physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Contact Veerle about the book, or to discuss coaching/hosting for your organisation at:


Aspects of life

Want To Have A More Appealing Sleep? Read This!

Want To Have A More Appealing Sleep? Read This!

DSCN1876Sleep is something fascinating; we all need it and very often we don’t have the sleep we want, we are awake for hours. How can we understand our sleep and make it part of our life pulse?


How is your sleep?

We all sleep. It is an inherent part of our human condition. Did you know that we use only 5 to 10% less energy while we sleep than when we are awake? A great deal is written about sleep; this article offers you a new perspective.

Sleep helps you to define who you are. It nourishes and nurtures you and it completes what you started during the day. Who you are is a spiritual Self or soul that forms a partnership with a human Self. This human Self is a physical body and its energy field or personality. This energy field has seven distinct layers that penetrate each other and the physical body; you can also discern seven energy vortices or chakras. Barbara Brennan offers us in-depth descriptions of our human energy field in her books.


In this article we start with the scientific perspective, and then we add the spiritual knowledge and make use of our insights on the life pulse.

  • The purpose of our sleep is to integrate and assimilate what happened to us and around us during the day.
  • Our different sleep stages correspond to specific brain waves and each set of three stages is alternated with a phase of dreaming.
  • The moment between waking and sleeping is a moment of deep connection between our soul and body-mind.
  • Our sleep itself is a process of moving back from the seventh (outermost) level of our energy field inward through all the levels until we arrive back in the cells of our bodies for another moment of stasis.


What is the purpose of our sleep?

Sleep is universal in the animal kingdom, and during sleep most systems in an animal are at a heightened state of growth and rejuvenation.

Our metabolism is only decreased by 5 to 10%. So our sleep is not a time when we conserve energy. We need this expenditure of energy, as research has revealed that the overall role of sleep is the consolidation and organization of synaptic connections that were formed during learning, experience and recent memory. The complete purpose and mechanisms of our sleep are only partially clear from a scientific perspective.

How will our insights of the life pulse add more depth to these scientific perspectives? The life pulse is a cosmic principle of alternating phases of expansion, stasis, contraction and again stasis, through which all living beings and nature move.

Like the life pulse, sleep consists of stasis, contraction and back to a moment of stasis before the start of a new day. You assimilate and integrate what has happened to you and around you in the outgoing movement, in the expansion of the waking hours.

Awareness of these phases adds to the quality of life in this human incarnation. Now we will delve deeper into the scientific stages of our sleep.


Dreaming and non-dreaming stages of sleep

Our sleep is divided in two broad types, rapid eye movement sleep (REM) and non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM).

NREM sleep has three stages. The first stage takes place between wakefulness and sleep. Research has revealed that the muscles are active, involuntary movements occur easily at this stage, and there are mostly alpha brainwaves.

In the second stage, sleepers move to theta brain wave activity and become gradually harder to awaken.

In the third stage, sleepers have delta waves and they are less responsive to the environment.

After this third stage, a phase of REM sleep helps us to return from deep sleep into an NREM stage-one sleep.

REM is associated with our capability to dream. These brainwaves are similar to the waking stage, which are mostly beta brainwaves. Oxygen consumption by the brain is higher than when the sleeper is awake. We have REM sleep almost every 90 minutes and more REM in the second half of our sleep. Dreaming is the perceived experience of sensory information. We use images, sounds, taste and feelings, all our senses can be used. When we reconcile this information with what we know about our energy field, we realize we use dreaming on the unstructured levels of our energy field. The seven layers of our energy field are alternating. The first, third, fifth and seventh are structured with lines of light and the sixth, fourth and second levels of our field are unstructured, more with clouds and waves of colour. On these unstructured levels, we access the senses through the different chakras. Scientists are now convinced that we are composed of energy and that we are surrounded by energy.

In REM sleep, within the physical body, the neurons of our cerebral cortex fire randomly, which presents nonsensical sensory information from which our forebrain creates a story in an attempt to make sense of this brain activity.

The firing of our neurons during contraction is affected by our expansion during the day.

Our expansion affects our contraction and vice versa. We often feel uncomfortable when we are awake during the night. And maybe being awake is okay and what we need in the wave of contraction of our sleep.

We gain insight in the NREM and REM phases of our sleep. We are ready to journey back through the levels of our field for a deeper explanation of the sleep cycle. A summary table is provided at the end of the next section.


A deeper journey exploring the sleep cycle

Our sleep starts with a moment of stasis in the seventh level of our field, a phase between waking and sleeping. This moment is an opportunity to connect your body-mind with your soul. It is often joyful. We may experience a connectedness with all living beings no matter how our expansion unfolded during the day. We are not always aware of this precious moment. This is the first stage of an NREM type of sleep. We are still easily awakened or might have difficulties falling asleep, surrendering into sleep.

Regression hypnotherapist Michael Newton discovered a great deal about our lives in between lives and our sleep through his work with clients. He says, the first thing we do when we fall asleep is clear our mind. I guess that makes sense, and we do this as we move through our seventh level back inward. He assumes we have received a great deal of information that we do not need. Some traditions invite us to go over our day consciously to clear our thoughts, images and beliefs before journeying into sleep.

We continue with the contraction of our sleep from our seventh level back inward, we move through the second and third phases of NREM. The seventh level holds our Divine knowing and all our beliefs of how we assume the world is. In the second phase of NREM, we assimilate what we already know and strengthen our beliefs of how we see the world through what happened to us and around us during the day. In the third stage of NREM, we nourish our seventh level and access Divine knowing.

We then arrive in our sleeping time at our sixth level, which is Divine love. When our sixth level is well nourished, we experience bliss in this stage, a profound happiness. It is a meeting with our soul. In this phase of our sleep we move through a REM sleep. We dream about the spiritual love. Regression hypnotherapist Michael Newton says this is a phase where our spiritual guides come in and where we eventually travel through our soul channel towards our spiritual family. Our soul channel is the tube that connects us with the spiritual realms on one side and with the Earth on the other side. Through this channel, we incarnate as a spiritual being. It holds our longing, our life task, and our intention to accomplish what we want to achieve in this human reality.

In some people, this level can be constricted and not hold much energy. As a result, they will experience less bliss and connection with the spiritual world.

We move further in and arrive at the fifth level, which is the level that provides order and clarity to make sense of what happened during the waking state. It feels this is the stage where we combine and assimilate all our knowledge; we combine new information of what happened around and to us with what we already know. This is another stage described by Michael Newton. We see new solutions from assimilating all that we already know. We again move through the three stages of the NREM sleep.

We move further in, and on the fourth level there is again a phase of REM sleep. We have different dreams in this REM stage, we engage more in relationships. Often our dreams take more time on the fourth than on the sixth level. The amount of energy in this level affects the depth of our dreams.

We move further inward and we arrive on the third level, where our thoughts reside or resurface. I notice how I often wake up during this time of my sleep. Sometimes I might remember my dream of the fourth level at this moment in my sleep. I easily worry and have thought complexes around what I have to do, should do, ought to do. However, if I align my soul and body-mind or open my mind, I am able to gain clarity and stop worrying—it is possible to really gain a balance between my intuitive and rational mind here. Here we again move through the three stages of NREM sleep.

The next level deeper is our second level. This holds how we feel about ourselves, and it makes sense that this is strongly affected by our thoughts. This is again a REM phase where we dream. These dreams might be more easily accessible and have to do with how we feel about ourselves. The duration of our dreaming depends on the strength of our level of the field. If we run more energy in our second level, our dreams might be stronger and more vivid. It seems that most people dream more in the second half of the night, which might represent stronger lower levels of the field. The content of our dreams will be different according to which level we are at in our journey inward. Our dreams on the sixth level are more related to Divine love, on the fourth to relationships, and on the second more about our sense of self.

The next level is our first level, and this level is about our physicality, how it feels to be in a physical body. At the first NREM stage, we can wake up perceiving physical symptoms and eventually remember our dreams of the second level. The second phase of the NREM sleep is the end of the contraction wave of our sleep. We take care of our physical bodies.

Our sleep is not yet complete. We need to move through the third phase again of this last NREM phase of our sleep. This third phase is another moment of stasis, deep within the cells of our physical body. We keep on going deeper in our cells, within the cells, into the molecules, into the atoms and in between the atoms into the void, and we have a deep, really deep sleep. We get nourished and nurtured through the spiritual world, through a deep connection with essence. We have finally completed the full cycle and we are ready for the coming day. From this deep sleep, we sometimes move again into a last REM phase dreaming sleep, already the start of our expansion, and we start dreaming our day into being, so to speak, and be really fit and joyfully ready for our new adventures in life.


NREM phase 1 7th level of the field Between waking and sleeping. Deep connection between our soul and body-mind. Clearing excess of information received during the day.
NREM phase 2 7th level of the field Assimilating what happened and checking our beliefs
NREM phase 3 7th level of the field Connect with our Divine knowing, nourishing our seventh level.
REM 6th level of the field Dreaming, a stage where we easily visit our spiritual family, receive guidance.
NREM phase 1 5th level of the field Assimilate what happened during the day, possibility to wake up and have difficulties falling asleep again
NREM phase 2 5th level of the field Rebalancing order and clarity with what we already know.
NREM phase 3 5th level of the field Connect with Divine will, precise order of everything, nourishing our 5th level.
REM 4th level of the field Dreams related to our relationships.
NREM phase 1 3rd level of the field Thoughts and worries can wake us up.
NREM phase 2 3rd level of the field Rebalancing our rational and intuitive thinking.
NREM phase 3 3rd level of the field Clarity, nourishing our 3rd level.
REM 2nd level of the field Dreaming around our feelings and emotions about ourselves.
NREM phase 1 1st level of the field Physical sensations, eventually pain in certain areas of our body, we sometimes wake up.
NREM phase 2 1st level of the field Physiological balance, nourishment of our first level.
NREM phase 3 1st level of the field Deep connection within the cells of our physical body, gathering essence for the next wave of expansion.
REM 2nd level of our field Dreaming the start of our new day.





Our sleep is an amazing opportunity to reconnect with our soul, to nurture and integrate.

All that has been discovered so far scientifically and spiritually makes sense in the broader perspective of the life pulse.

Awareness of the waves of expansion will affect the quality of our sleep and of our life.

Discerning this movement back through the levels of your energy field can help you to understand your sleep patterns, to assist you in accepting where you are on your journey and to have the sleep you need, not the sleep you want.


This article provides you with unique insights of the life pulse and how awareness can affect your sleep and your life. The life pulse is a fascinating concept extensively covered in my book Becoming What is Changing: Exposition.


Knowledge only becomes wisdom when we are able to connect it with our own experiences. I look forward to reading your comments.


June 14th, 2014


GHF V in action 1VEERLE DE BOCK is a physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Contact Veerle about the book, or to discuss coaching/facilitation for your organisation at:


Aspects of life

How the Life pulse allows you to unfold your DNA

How the Life pulse allows you to unfold your DNA

The creation of a more beautiful world requires the blossoming of our DNA. A key is awareness of the alternating life pulses of our soul and body-mind.

DNAHow can you consciously unfold your DNA?
We start with awareness of the life pulse and its sequences of expansion, stasis and contraction. We reach far out into expansion and connect with the outside world, ending in a moment of stasis, shifting into contraction, where we connect with self, arrive deep into the cells, and reach another moment of stasis, preparing us for the next outgoing movement of expansion.
During each sequence, we engage with our DNA in an attempt to reach our potential.

In this article we delve deeper into the life pulses of our soul and body-mind. The life pulse is this fascinating cosmic principle that allows creation to take place, and creation is tightly connected with our DNA.
Do you know that possibly 90% of your DNA, at this moment while you are reading, is asleep?

Here are some facts:
• Our soul has its own life pulse.
• Our body-mind thrives in waves of expansion.
• Our soul and body-mind engage through the life pulse.
• The life pulse assists the unfolding of our DNA.
• Our DNA offers us access to our potential.

The life pulse of our soul
Our incarnation is one big contraction. We gather essence in a moment of stasis, before our incarnation. Then our soul comes into this human realm, and this is a big contraction in terms of the life pulse. We sink deep into the density of matter, which is a huge “going inside” for the soul, a retraction, a contraction. The soul perceives the incarnation as a separation from its Source. At the end of our incarnation, there is a moment of stasis. This is our dying process, and after our physical death our soul moves into expansion and connection with our spiritual family¬¬—we explore all our challenges and our successes. The research through Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy offers a great deal of insight into the understanding of our soul’s journey.
We can discern many other life pulses. During the day your soul moves into contraction and during the night into expansion, because the soul goes out and visits your spiritual family. Meditation and introspection are also waves of expansion for the soul.

The life pulse of our body-mind
Our body-mind has many different life pulses. Our breathing is a beautiful example, a moment of stillness, breathing out and expanding, another moment of stillness, breathing in and contracting, and again a moment of stillness for the preparation of the next wave. Can you feel how at the end of your expiration there is fullness, a connectedness with all living beings and at the end of the inspiration, there is a going deeply inside, a connection with your self?
The same sequences apply to our magnificent circulation system with our blood flow and heart pulse.
In an expansion we are created, a sperm cell engages with an egg. Our whole body-mind expands and contracts in a panoply of life pulses in many different ways.

The alternating life pulses of soul and body-mind
In a previous article we gained insight into the amazing interaction between our soul and body-mind. Let us come back to the different scenarios through which our soul and body-mind interact. If we allow those different scenarios to happen at the same time, we begin to see what the drawing at the beginning of this article shows.
Our soul and body-mind both have a life pulse. They might not interact at all or already take care of each other at a distance.
When there is the intertwining of body-mind and soul, the life pulses of both alternate. When the body-mind is in expansion, the soul is in contraction, and vice versa. When soul and body-mind are completely aligned, they move through the same life pulse, they are both expanding and contracting at the same time.
The moments of stasis are moments when both meet. Deeply breathing in and out produces moments of stasis, a possible connection between your body-mind and soul. This happens at the end of the contraction, the inspiration, and at the end of the expansion, the expiration.

How the life pulse assists the unfolding of our DNA
The visual representation of these alternating waves reveals the image of our DNA.
Let us take a closer look at our DNA. Our DNA is hidden deep inside the nucleus of each of our human cells. Our DNA has the form of a helix. The helix itself is formed through a backbone of sugar and phosphate and branches that are formed by nucleotide bases. These nucleotide bases are our actual genetic material, our genes, our potential in physical manifestation for this lifetime. Our genes produce all the proteins we need as building blocks for almost any activity and any scenario we want to create in the physical reality. It is the potential for us to grow, to expand, and to see. In our cells lies the potential that we need to create the more beautiful world our heart knows is possible.
A protein coat protects the helix and also blocks the expression of our potential.
Can you imagine all these secret structures that each of our more then 50 trillion cells is holding?

The backbone of sugar and phosphate visually looks like the life pulse. The backbone is what keeps the structure and creates the space for the DNA to unfold. The life pulse is the structure, the cosmic principle that creates the space for us to create our lives, to allow engagement between the fields of our soul and body-mind.
And in this movement, the unfolding of our DNA and the engagement of more of our potential becomes a reality.
Connect deep within your cells with your DNA at the end of a contraction and become who you are, not who you wish to be, in the consecutive waves of expansion.
Through our DNA we access the essence of the Universal soup. On the quantum level our DNA vibrates. This offers us continuous essence for the next wave of expansion. We know that the Zero Point field or Universal soup of energy is accessible externally in the Universe and internally deep inside each of our cells.
How is our DNA connected to our shadow?

Releasing our shadow
Our shadow is our potential, which we did not yet discover or which we decoded in a defensive way. We use our DNA to recreate our childhood stories in this moment now. Those stories happened to us and around us and are unique to each of us. Siblings store different stories of the same situation.
The stories, which we attract from the Quantum hologram, are those that resonate with our soul’s purpose. The stories engage certain sequences of our DNA in order to create, in the physical world, what our stories believe is true.
Each new wave of expansion offers us a new healing cycle, an opportunity to make another choice. In the expansion we engage with the outside world.
Our DNA is switched off or on through the inactivation or activation of the protein coat, which protects our DNA. This activation or inactivation happens in reaction to information reaching us from the outside world and often engages with our old stored stories.



Our DNA holds our potential on many different levels and dimensions—more than most of us imagine being true.

Through awareness of the life pulse, you affect the interaction between your body-mind and your soul, you affect the unfolding of your DNA, and you affect your life. The more we are able to really align the life pulses of our soul and body-mind, the more joy and pleasure unfold.

When we move out into expansion, we engage, we meet, and we explore the outside world. With the assistance of our soul, we are able to reach far out and to deeply connect with all living beings. From this connection, a moment of stasis naturally happens, and we move back inside. Our contraction starts and we move with what we learned back through all the levels of our energy field into our cells to connect with our DNA for another wave of expansion.

In Guest House Facilitation we explore these interactions with regard to the group being of organizations and the possibilities to create a new future that wants to emerge.

I look forward to the sparks of essence you feel you want to share in the comment box.


GHF V outside 1VEERLE DE BOCK is a physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Contact Veerle about the book, or to discuss coaching/facilitation for your organisation at:



Aspects of life

The Life pulse Mystery

The Life pulse Mystery


The Group Being_1Through this cosmic principle we engage with the limitless energy soup around us and affect our lives, our relationships and definitely our reality.  


Are you familiar with this cosmic principle of the life pulse?

The whole process of how we create our reality in this moment is astonishing and complex. The life pulse is a cosmic principle, which can assist you to achieve more clarity.

Can you imagine our current reality being a mirror of what we believe?

The life pulse is the principle that engages with your beliefs of how the world is.

This article starts with defining the life pulse and weaves the cosmic principle of the life pulse through the sequences of our map of physics, enabling us to gain some insight into the concept of creation.



What is the life pulse?

The life pulse has different components, which alternate between expansion and contraction. There is always a moment of stasis, followed by a wave of expansion, ending in another moment of stasis and leading to a wave of contraction, completed again in a moment of stasis, which at the same time starts a new wave of expansion. Everything in nature follows this principle. You can recognize it in the trees, the plants, the animals and the seasons.

There is extensive spiritual literature in the Pathwork lectures around the cosmic principle of the life pulse. The scientific perspective is covered, amongst others, by Adrian Bejan, a physicist who developed the constructal law as the principle of life correlating with the life pulse.



How the life pulse affects our lives

Let us use a real story to exemplify this process. This is a story of an interaction between my husband and me. My husband is a wonderful sensitive caring man. We have been married for 27 years and have already learned a great deal in our relationship.


life pulse and the levels
1. Stasis in the Zero Point Field
This is a moment of silence, the preparation for our outgoing movement in the expansion. We gather essence or energy from the Zero Point Field, deep within our cells. We retrieve specific information from the Quantum Hologram through resonance. What makes sense for us in this moment ‘now’.
In our story the stasis is a moment of silence right before we start to walk, a deep breathing, silence in and around us. An excitement for what will unfold ‘now’. The information that holds the possible scripts for our walk, are at this moment available.

2. Expansion through our energy field and into our physical body
A wave of expansion happens, in an expansion we always move outward into the world, we connect with other living beings, human beings or nature, our environment. It makes sense that in this outward movement we make sense of what is actually happening through our body-mind. The body-mind is the intimate relationship between our physical body and our mind (our personality).

In our series of articles around physics and reality we gained insight in the existence of an electromagnetic field that permeates and surrounds our physical body and which is generated within our physical body. This energy field contains seven levels with all our beliefs, images, expressions, feelings, thoughts, emotions and physical sensations as different vibrations. All these aspects of our personality engage in the wave of expansion.

The gift of any expansion is this moving outward towards the other. This always will affect our old stories, the pleasurable ones and the more difficult ones.
Our life pulse moves from the depth of the physical body outward through each level of our energy field. And it is hard to make sense of those different levels in an expansion. It feels as if this happens non-linear.

The information still present as possibilities in the moment of stasis becomes organized in a reality (superposition). A certain reality engages with thoughts or emotions that then will reinforce certain beliefs and create other emotions and eventually physical symptoms. All these thoughts, emotions, beliefs, physical symptoms are connected with old stories that are stored in our physical body.

My husband and I embark on a lovely walk without an appropriate map. We try to allow the unknown and to trust that we will get where we need to get. When we arrive back high in the mountains at 6 pm where we passed at noon, the situation gets difficult. I feel betrayed and angry. My husband jokes and reminds me that I get what I desire, I wanted a long walk. This is so fascinating. Instantly I feel like a victim and I make my husband the perpetrator.

3. Stasis after the phase of expansion
At the end of this expansion we have another moment of stasis. The life pulse resides now in the connectedness with the other and all living beings, we often do not perceive this moment of stillness. Yet it is important, this is our moment of choice and does prepare us for the inward movement of the contraction.

Let us return to our story. In the moment I become aware of a familiar pattern between my husband and me. I give away my power and I feel betrayed when circumstances are not as I expected.

I can make a choice, I deeply breathe in and out and decide not to go for any old pattern that exists between us.
Deeply breathing in and out is a simple tool to stay open, to become aware of choices. And it is a moment of silence, a reconnection between your soul and your body-mind.

4. The contraction back through the energy field
We make an inward movement, we reflect and introspect to digest what we discovered in our outward movement. Our contraction is strongly affected by the choice we made in our stasis. Do we stay in the one reality attached to the story or do we open up for new fresh possible realities.

Let us imagine travelling through the different levels of our energy field.
In our story I am still walking though I move inside, I do not move out towards my husband.

The seventh level brings my attention to my beliefs. We can change the belief that gave rise to the story we attracted from the Quantum Hologram and we might not yet be ready to completely let go. And need more cycling through this creative arc.
I know and gained insight not only in a repeating pattern in our relationship, I also received insight in this magic principle of the life pulse. I become part of a bigger whole.
The sixth level stands for Divine Love. We can either love our beliefs or open ourselves up for many more possibilities and experience a deep love for all the living beings in the Universe.
I perceive how unconditional love moves through me.
We arrive in our fifth level. This level holds the precise order of everything. How whatever happens is useful.
In the story I achieve a deep sense of understanding. I have the freedom to make another choice. I strengthen a clear and courageous will for the right action.
We continue our journey, in the fourth level we meet the whole area of the relationships that affect our story.
I discover that I do not really see my husband. I position a reality upon my husband that stems from an early event happened to me or around me. I feel how love flows through me when I let go of this projection.
Our third level holds space for our thoughts and how they affect our story. How we think what we believe is true.
I perceive different thoughts: I am a victim because my husband always pushes me over my limits. I easily push myself over my limits. I am a victim when I give my power away.
The thoughts are no longer stressful, they are simple thoughts and I let them pass by.
Our second level contains the emotions and feelings about ourselves.
I feel how anger and frustration move through me, without me engaging with them. It feels like vibrations moving through my energy field.
We finally arrive in the first level. This level brings our attention to our physicality, what it means to live in a human body, to the physical sensations in our body; we can be brought to a specific area in our sacred bodies. We may perceive pain or pleasure.
I literally perceive an opening of my cells, more energy moves through me. I feel how I still enjoy the walking, the simple rhythm of putting one step after another.

5. Back in the Zero Point Field, for another moment of stasis
We arrived back in the Zero Point Field deep within our cells, we can rest and gather momentum for yet another wave.




What we believe is truly creating our lives. Beliefs are how we assume the world is. Thoughts, emotions, feelings, expressions and physical sensations will affect our beliefs.

The moments of stasis are when our soul and body-mind reconnect. In these moments we have a choice.

The magic key is awareness of the different phases of the life pulse and how it operates with the laws of physics and energy in order to create our reality.

Creative waves happen continuously in and around us. An abundance Universe is real and at our disposal to manifest everything we truly desire. This is how we achieve access to our bigger potential.

This article offers hope for the creation of a more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible.

The life pulse is an amazing principle that is at work in our personal lives and affects the ‘beings’ of our organizations. You can read more in Becoming What is Changing: Exposition.

I welcome your personal experiences that bring light to this amazing cosmic principle. You can share them in the comment box.


The next article on this blog will reveal how the magic of the life pulse affects our inner split.



March, 31st 2014



imageVEERLE DE BOCK is a physician, healer, facilitator, trainer, coach and author of the trilogy, Becoming What is Changing. She spent nearly three decades of her life as a physician specializing in geriatric care, including a 21-year career as department head in an Antwerp regional hospital. In 2003, she began her study as an energetic healer, teacher, process facilitator and supervisor at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and since 2007 has been leading many other trainees to master these same skills. In 2010 she was trained in the practice of Dynamic Facilitation by Jim Rough, which she now incorporates into her workshops and training sessions. In 2012 she decided to devote her work exclusively to writing, facilitation and coaching. That same year, she devised a new integrative practice of facilitation she calls ‘Guest House Facilitation’, that helps teams learn how to listen and utilise both the inner and outer processes within their organisation, to see it as a dynamic and living organism, and to reconnect to its intrinsic purpose and intention. Her book, Becoming What is Changing: Exposition, is the first part of a trilogy aimed at managers, team leaders and responsible employees who wish to bring this kind of transformation into the workplace, so they can create an environment where people are happy, satisfied and continuously growing.


Contact Veerle about the book, or to discuss coaching/facilitation for your organisation at: