Package +: Endless Chances To Change


Immerse your self in the fabulous multidimensionality of the C2C board game – learn to facilitate your self and others with ease and grace – 8 videos and 3 (or more) practice sessions. 

Receive an initiation into the deeper symbolism of the board game and playfully find many chances to change as you access your own unlimited possibilities. The transmission happens with ease and grace in your own unique timing. Together with the videos, you can plan three (or more) practice sessions with experienced trainers to become comfortable with our game.

Offered by:

Xenia Orgielewski, Elaine McGoogan and Veerle De Bock, doulas of the ChancesToChange board game. We take up different roles, each in our own unique way, to support your journey as we bring all of who we are in this training.

Who is it for? This is for you if you are passionate about the C2C board game and ready to bring it further into the world.

Requirements: A ChancesToChange board game to allow you to fully appreciate and integrate these teachings. Check out our shop.  

Our package +

Price for the 3 practice sessions + the 8 prerecorded sessions:

We are grateful you purchased our teachings and trust that you will not pass them on as the funds we receive are used to support our C2C movement.

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Our course is made up of eight pre-recorded video sessions and a series of three (or more) practice sessions

Our teaching modules cover an introduction with a question which sets the flavour for the session. With us, you will then dive deeply into the origin story and the different layers of this extraordinary board game. We are introducing you to a great deal of material which has never been published before.

An overview of the sessions:

  • Creating a Guest House, bringing in values, colours and phases.
  • A red dot: listening to the intelligent design of your body
  • A blue dot: the art of being human
  • A yellow dot: re-knowing the collective field through sacred geometry
  • A green dot: getting to know your personality and its unique offerings
  • A purple dot: a magical re-newing silence, owning your spiritual lineage
  • An orange dot: allowing a “We-space” to happen where we co-create this more beautiful world our hearts know is possible
  • Weaving it all together

The three practice sessions are 2-3h depending on the number of participants. They are scheduled on Thursdays from 15-18.00 CET.


You can download the material as soon as you subscribe.

You can listen and re-listen to the recordings in your own timing. At the end of each session you will receive homework, a practice to do during the time in between sessions.

You pick the dates for your practice sessions.


You will receive both the online C2C version – English and/or Dutch – and a physical copy of the Facilitator instructions in English or Dutch.

Additional support: You can join the monthly facilitator’s marathon.



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